A fun bible game that helps put the word of God in your hearts
(courtesy KidsSundaySchool.com)!Topics:
Memory Challenge
Ages 7-11
What you'll need:
chalk board or dry erase board, cloth or eraser
Write the Bible verse you would like to review on the board. Draw a maze
under the verse. At the finishing point of the maze, draw a heart. Cover
the maze with the cloth (old sheet, towel, newspaper) until you're ready to
begin the activity.
What you will do:
Have the children recite the verse together several times. Once the children
are comfortable reciting the verse, remove several words from it and draw
a line as a placeholder for each word removed.
Let the quest begin! Remove the covering from the maze. Ask the children
to raise their hands if they know one of the missing words. If they give
the correct answer, they get to choose which direction to go in the maze.
You can make this game as easy or as hard as you like depending on the difficulty
of the maze and the length of the verse. When the class finally makes it
to the end, tell them that the heart represents them working to put the
word of God into their hearts.